- Also known as Micranthemum sp. “Monte Carlo”
- Great ground cover
- Forms compact flat cushions
- Can also be grown overhanging
- Not very demanding
A highly interesting and recommendable ground-covering plant that’s still a rarity. It was collected on a riverbank in the province Misiones in North Argentine by some Japanese, and it was named after the place where it was found: Micranthemum sp. “Montecarlo-3”. This plant is also known under the name “New Large Pearl Grass”, and in South America as “Bacopita”. It looks like a larger version of Hemianthus callitrichoides, but it is also somewhat similar to “standard” Micranthemum umbrosum. It grows flat on the ground, forming a compact mat. The roundish leaves are a bit smaller and of a darker green than those of M. umbrosum. When planted in an elevated place, loose shoots will bow to the ground. This Micranthemum is easier in cultivation than Hemianthus callitrichoides.